A soul in service to humanity learns the power of love. Every act of kindness done in love brings more light and power into the world. When we give from the love of our Being and ask nothing in return, we become the richest soul on earth.
Action to take: Find opportunities daily to love and serve unconditionally.
                                                      ~ Jane Elizabeth

I Accept More
Spirituality is the life-giving force we are all a part of that we may or may not be able to sense. This life force is rooted in Love.
Jane Elizabeth’s video, “Everything You Do Is Spiritual”, gently reminds us that we can take advantage of every circumstance we are involved in, either to realize more of that life-giving force of love, or to remain static and not move an inch.
Our judgments, our karma, the thoughts we create, and even our calls for love, can keep our consciousness from moving forward. Divine Love is ready to help us in an instant, and for an infinite period of time. As we take the action of loving unconditionally, we are able to sense more of this life-giving force, expanding our consciousness!
Blessings for your Spirituality!
Michele Larson
Certified Center for Enlightenment Teacher

Click to watch featured video: Everything You Do Is Spiritual