When we marry our will with our desire, the next step is to develop courage to make spiritual decisions and to abide by them. It is important to remember that the more courage we develop, the stronger it gets, and the faster we move our consciousness.

Ask yourself: What is the next courageous step you want to take?
~ Jane Elizabeth

Letting Go of Nothin’!

Sometimes what keeps us from changing is a big bunch of nothin’ that we create in our minds. When we want to make a change that will open us to greater Soul contact, the ego knows it is about to be displaced, and fights (with false beliefs) for its existence more than ever!

Years ago, I was guided to enter graduate school to become a therapist. I was so excited by the new adventure! But once I started, the voice of guilt kicked in: “You are abandoning your children. Your husband is having to do extra work around the house–shame on you! You are being selfish.” Over and again I would hear these words within myself. While this didn’t stop me from continuing with my studies, it did get in the way of feeling good about my decision.

Journaling about these feelings, forgiving myself for holding limited ideas of what a “perfect” wife and mother is supposed to look like, and letting go of that former, limited idea of myself, are what helped me through this major life change, this transformation from the old me to a more expansive expression of my soul.

What is that false “voice of doom” saying to you that stops you from pushing through your transforming changes? Journal it, stand up to it, kick it out, and move forward!

With love and joy,

Lynn Barrette
Certified Center for Enlightenment Teacher

eo: Dealing with Changes