In order to expand our consciousness, there must be an intensification of our inner desire to move forward. It is our intensity of purpose which will change us from the plodding, fairly satisfactory spiritual student into the soul whose heart and mind are aflame. At that point, we are driven by the life of the soul.
Action to take: Let every life situation serve to awaken a new aspect of your soul’s vibrancy.
                                           ~ Jane Elizabeth
In this week’s featured video, Jane Elizabeth talks about our Life Plan: those people, lessons, experiences and desires that are with us in this life to grow us. The components in our current Life Plan are pulled from our past life history, and provide a balance of talents and abilities, as well as unfinished business and lessons to learn.
I don’t know about you, but I prefer those times when things are easy! Efforts I have sowed in a past life sprouting a joyful experience today that seems to come so naturally! Perhaps I did not feel that way in another life, when I was sweating and stressing and pushing myself in some way!
Ah, but those “easy” times! How delightful, yes? I feel this way when I look at my children with so much love, and enjoy being around them. I feel this way when I can easily help a client in need. I feel this way when…well, when everything goes “my way”!
On the other hand, when things in my Life Plan feel hard, oh my! I might erroneously think, “Oh, why does God dislike me so?! I must have done something so horrible in another lifetime that this terrible situation is in my face to deal with!” But these times arise to stretch me and strengthen those places in me that will help me be in greater service to my family, to humanity, to my own soul that is evolving into a greater channel of Light and Love!
When those road blocks come and I feel I am trudging through molasses, I remind myself, “This is important. You have to learn this. Stay with it. You will do it, just keep going.” I know it is something I came into this lifetime wanting to learn! I renew my commitment and keep on keeping on!
When it’s easy, I feel grateful to my Soul for its past efforts that are supporting me now. When it’s hard, I feel grateful to my Soul for choosing to give me the opportunity to learn something new that will support me now and in the future!
For getting through those difficult lessons, Jane Elizabeth has given us the gift of how to get through tough times in her book Spiritual Power Tools: Support for Your Soul. It’s not just one more spiritual book. It’s a lifesaver on the rapids of daily living! With every effort we make on our journey, we have the support of the Universe!
Loving blessings to you each day,
Lynn Barrette
Certified Center for Enlightenment Teacher

Click to view featured video: You Are on an Adventure!