Beloved Soul in Evolution,

You have been establishing your meditation practice for a while now, and last week I shared about what happens when you meditate. In this week’s video, you get to revisit why you are meditating and working to resolve your emotions and thoughtforms: Because you are a soul in evolution!

As you evolve in consciousness, your soul is becoming the behind the scenes director of the personality self, more and more. Start thinking of yourself as an evolving soul rather than just a personality. Your personality is merely the vehicle that you are using to get around on this planet. You have had many such vehicles over eons of time. You have lived your life through each one of them, and then traded it in, much as you have often had to give up an old car for a new one. Unfortunately, once you came into this incarnation as an evolving soul, you began to think of yourself as your limited personality self. Understand that your soul is a much more important part of who you are right now. Then you can become more detached from the personality’s drama and take a step back from it.

You are the center of your own enlightenment. You are connected with the God energy that is going to open up your vibration more widely. But until now, you have been looking at your life through just one tenth of your consciousness. Just one tenth! You have been living your life only through this limited, tiny viewpoint. Now is the time to open up your consciousness to more input from your soul, and so receive more understanding, more guidance, more direction!

Watch this week’s video, then spend some time with the questions below, and journal your responses to them over the next week:

1. What does it mean to you that you are an evolving soul? What does it mean that you are 1/10 conscious and 9/10 subconscious?

2. What are some of the most notable talents and abilities that you brought into this particular lifetime? How have they impacted you, this time around?

3. How does your free will operate to move you forward in your soul’s evolution? How can moving from your personality self into your soul help you to make more helpful choices in the best interest of your soul?

4. Where in your life have you made limited personality-level choices that did not work out as well for you? Where have you made wiser choices based on the input of your soul and how did those work out for you?

5. If you are 1/10 conscious and 9/10 subconscious, what then is the God consciousness?

6. There is a veil that is being lifted when you meditate. What does that mean for you?

You are removing your association with your human, subconscious thinking, and allowing your soul to be the driver of your consciousness. This happens over time, and you have my love and support from start to finish!

With all my love,

Jane Elizabeth