CF Enlightenment

Latest Videos

Connect with Your Intuition, a Meditation

Beloved Soul in Evolution, This week I bring you another opportunity to center yourself, to connect with all the love you need. As you meditate each day, your ability to connect to your higher Self strengthens and allows you more access to your intuition. You align...

Meditation for Alignment

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As this new year moves forward, are you experiencing your spiritual momentum building as you nurture your connection within? The energy is here to support you! There is a part of you yearning to experience that Cosmic Energy of the Universe....


Jewel from Jane: Spiritual Thermometer, Part 2 – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Spiritual Thermometer, Part 2 Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood...

Jewel from Jane: Spiritual Thermometer, Part 1 – Sunday Course

Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth Spiritual Thermometer, Part 1 Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio.  For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood...

New Resources

Intensidad espiritual

  Con el fin de ampliar nuestra conciencia, debe haber una intensificación de nuestro deseo interior para seguir adelante. Es nuestra intensidad del objeto que nos cambiará del estudiante espirituales que anda con paso lento, bastante satisfactorio...

La meditación, la puerta de entrada al alma

Para nosotros, una de las recompensas de la meditación es ponerse consciente de nuestra alma el lugar de la personalidad del ego. Como aprender a funcionar como una alma, podemos entender intencionalmente todos los aspectos de nuestro ser. La puerta de entrada...

Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Going Deeper: Cleaning Your House of Consciousness‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your spiritual journey going? How are you encouraging yourself each day? These weekly messages are meant to inspire you and give you the opportunity to take your spiritual process to the next level of commitment and exploration. You...

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Going Deeper: Understanding Your Emotional Patterns

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Since you have been practicing observing yourself, you have probably noticed times when you have reacted to others or situations from your emotions. It is your assignment on this journey to take responsibility for your emotional reactions...

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Going Deeper: Uncovering Your Subconscious (Part Two)

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How was your exploration of the subconscious this past week? Did you have a personal experience of your own subconscious mind,or notice how it operates in your life? Even though your subconscious "iceberg" may seem daunting, there is a...

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Going Deeper – Uncovering Your Subconscious Mind – Part 1

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you continue meditating and quieting your mind, slowly but surely over time, you will notice that things surface to be addressed. This process is addressed in this week's video. Pieces of your subconscious "iceberg" are coming to the...

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Going Deeper: Uncover Your Whole Self

Beloved Soul in Evolution,As we continue exploring the journey within in this week's video, it's important to revisit the process of moving through the subconscious mind. This is where past emotional pain and faulty thinking is stored--which keeps the human mind and...

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Going Deeper: You Are a Soul Evolutionist!

Beloved Soul in Evolution, You have been establishing your meditation practice for a while now, and last week I shared about what happens when you meditate. In this week's video, you get to revisit why you are meditating and working to resolve your emotions and...

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Going Deeper: What Happens During Meditation?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you move forward on this journey of self-discovery, new vibrations and energies are coming in to support you. In this week's video, I address sensations that you may experience during meditation (found in your Spiritual Power Tools...

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Tapping into the God Computer

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How has your practice of quieting your mind gone this week? On this spiritual journey, it is essential to commit to a constant practice of quieting your thoughts so your Higher Self can speak to you and guide you along the way. In this...

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