CF Enlightenment

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Uncovering Your Subconscious (Part Two)

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How did you do this week, looking at your subconscious in a new light? This week, I am sharing more about the subconscious and the pieces that come up from way down below--pieces of understanding that help you learn about yourself, or...


You Are a Soul in Evolution – Sunday Course

Exploring How Your Soul Evolved You Are a Soul in Evolution Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support Click here for the audio. For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week: What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday's course? How are you applying...

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Support Your Soul

Each week, a video teaching is added here in support of your spiritual growth.  Click here for information on weekly Sunday Courses. To receive weekly insights via e-mail subscribe here. To browse these weekly messages by topic, visit CFE blog archives.

Remembering & Releasing the Good Times

During the month of December we are preparing our consciousness for 2010. Last week we took the first step, gratitude. Now it is time to embrace the "Good Times" we had in 2009. This week we will be journaling about those delightful times we experienced during the...

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How Has This Year Been Important to You?

We are now moving toward the energy and vibration of the year "2010." It is important to go through a process called "Seven Steps for Moving into the New Year 2010." Action to take: Journaling is a very important part of the releasing process. Step One -- Let's begin...

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Mind Is Main Creative Factor

Thanksgiving week is a time when we are joining with our loved ones to celebrate and give thanks. This is a great week to practice detachment and observation because of the energy and vibration coming in, which will help us to identify old patterns and erase them from...

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Stop the Emotional Yo-Yo

As we move forward on this spiritual adventure, we are beginning to understand the value of being the observer self and why detachment is so important. By now you have begun to notice how emotions play such an important role in your life and color your decision making...

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Developing Utter Detachment

Now that you have connected with your observer self and have practiced watching yourself in action, you are developing utter detachment. This brings freedom from worries and suffering. When you are attached to your outcome, you can't observe yourself properly and this...

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Develop Your Observer Self

It is now time to develop our observer self. The reason this is such an important spiritual tool is because it helps us to observe our behavior and actions with others. By watching ourselves in action, we can stop ourselves from falling back into old patterns and make...

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Break the Illusion of Separateness

Our intuitive facility is the instrument that breaks the illusion of our limited self. Every illusion recognized and overcome "clears the way" to our unlimited Self, because illusion is based on living in the opposites. Action to take: Daily meditation helps to break...

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Create a Meditation Station

Now that we have made a commitment to work in the best interests of our soul, the process begins. Our soul is a fragment of God. Through meditation we are linking our consciousness to God consciousness--Universal Wisdom. By making this connection daily we are...

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State Your Intention! Send Me an Email

When we have a strong desire to know our real Self in God, the next step is to make a commitment to consciously participate in our soul's evolution. This powerful request will resonate throughout the universe and will begin the process that will re-prioritize and...

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