Practice Using Your Intuition

Intuition is an abstract experience.  It is not the mind, common sense, or value judgments.  By observing ourselves, we become aware of how our consciousness operates.  Through this process we learn the difference between the ego/mind and the higher...

Develop Your Intuitive Mind

The intellectual mind’s main function is to analyze, reason and memorize. The intuitive mind’s main function is to expand our consciousness. As we develop our intuition, our intellectual mind takes second place to the intuitive mind. Our intuition is the...

Move Beyond the Opposites

Our ego was created to live in the world of opposites. We evaluate ourselves from this point of view: pain and pleasure, love, hate, joy, sorrow–all the different experiences in the opposites. There comes a time in our evolution when we no longer need to...

Learn To Deal With Your Fears

An important step to take on our spiritual journey is to learn to deal with our fears. Every person knows fear. It is easy to recognize because it comes with a vibration and energy all of its own. Fear dominates most situations and puts a damper on many happy moments....

Moving Through Karmic Patterns

We are all moving through karmic patterns from the past. Our dreams, hopes and desires are being played out right now. In order to have a greater understanding of our life, we need to recognize that many of the things we are experiencing right now have their roots in...

Universal Knowledge Becomes Universal Wisdom

The only way to make this transition from knowledge to wisdom is to focus on the “NOW” moment. It allows us to use our Mind differently. Why is this important? The mind, when it is in the state of NOW, is an electrical energy, vibration and a powerful...