Your Perfect Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, What a magnificent week of connecting our wills to the will of God! This week, my topic with you is the equipment needed to raise consciousness, based on your individual expression. Taking the unit of energy that you are, the electrical...

Lent and the Soul Evolutionist

Beloved Soul in Evolution, These next forty days are a very important forty days, from now until Easter. This is the time Jesus left his group and went up into the mountains. He spent these forty days in prayer and meditation to prepare himself for his mission. It was...

Give Thanks, Take Two Steps Forward

Thanksgiving is an attitude of Thankfulness. Being grateful has a vibration and energy all of its own. As we celebrate this special day with gratitude for our many blessings, we send forth a vibration that goes forward and blesses the world. ~ Jane Elizabeth  ...

Preparation for Easter Energy

Have you found a quiet place? By seeking spiritual nourishment daily, our degree of success rapidly improves with each attempt. Perseverance brings rich rewards. The action to take: Find a quiet place. Meditate daily.              ...

You Are the Light of the World

This week’s featured video:  You Are a Powerful Unit of Energy In every atom of our body is a point of light. This creates the inner light, which is why we can say we are the light of the world.  We all have this light glowing inside us.  It...

Connect with Divine Wisdom

Our mind is a unit of electrical energy, a vibration and a powerful tool when used rightly.  The mind is like a search light that can focus in the past, the future or the NOW.  In the NOW the mind focuses upward, attracts and coordinates ideas, and brings...