What Happens When You Meditate?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Now that you have established your meditation time, it is important to understand what happens when you meditate. In this week’s video, I share from the Spiritual Power Tools book, the sensations you may experience when you meditate....

Your Intuitive Mind

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you have had a successful week of observing your emotions and being on top of them, rather than your emotions being on top of you. As you do your spiritual work of developing your observer self, you become more in control of your...

Intelligent Love Moves You Toward Freedom

Every day is a new day. Let us embrace our day with joy and excitement. As we let go of our old thought patterns, move into each day expecting a new possibility, and listen to our inner guidance, we open the door of our consciousness and new ideas will flow...

Be Prompted from Within

By meditating, you connect your brain’s energy centers with your soul. There, in God, is where your guidance comes through.  Action to take: Meditate everyday to strengthen your connection to your soul’s...

Exercise…Your Intuition

Each time we still our mind, even for 10 minutes, a new energy shift takes place. This shift in energy sharpens our intuitive mind. The result is we are able to solve problems with greater understanding and make better choices for ourselves. Ponder on this: What new...


Everything in your life is designed to grow your soul–to teach you a new skill, uncover a hidden strength, or resolve an ancient resentment.  Embrace what is right before you, and listen within for direction as you move through it. Action to take:  Meditation...