Going Deeper – Breaking Free from Illusions – Part 1

Beloved Soul in Evolution, It is important to understand that you are in a play, an illusion, and you have chosen to be in this particular play for this life. Everything around you is about you, since this is your play! Sometimes you like it, and sometimes you don’t. When you like it, you want […]

Going Deeper – Your Desires and Infinite Intelligence

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Desire is the biggest drive for God Consciousness because it compels you to know more about your finite self, and all the way to awakening as Infinite Intelligence. You are finite in the midst of the Infinite. Your journey through the third dimension has grown you into a mature human being, […]

Going Deeper: Intuition Is Essential for Spiritual Freedom‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you doing on this spiritual journey? Moving out of humanhood and into Infinite Consciousness takes time, persistence, and encouragement. Your intuition will support you all along the way. When you access your intuition, you are piercing the Abstract Mind of your Higher Self. Meditation helps you do this, as […]

Going Deeper – Understanding the Differences between the 3rd & 4th Dimensions‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Have you ever wondered what it means to evolve beyond humanhood? In this week’s video, I begin expanding on this process. Moving into the fourth dimension is likened to moving to a new country, where you don’t know the language, the attire, the social norms, the culture. It takes time to […]

Going Deeper: Moving from the 3rd to 4th Dimension‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Moving from your human, third dimensional self, into your spiritual, fourth dimensional self is a long journey of detaching from the world you are used to, and learning about the next level of awakening to your Higher Self. It takes a long time, step by step, to master your human self. […]