Fan the Fire of Your Desire for God!

God fulfills all desires, and the greatest desire we can have is to know God. Then we can be certain that our desire will be fulfilled.  Action to take: Fan the fire of your desire for God through daily meditation and constant listening within.                                                                   ~ Jane Elizabeth Why Is the Spiritual Path so Important […]

Exercise…Your Intuition

Each time we still our mind, even for 10 minutes, a new energy shift takes place. This shift in energy sharpens our intuitive mind. The result is we are able to solve problems with greater understanding and make better choices for ourselves. Ponder on this: What new and better choices have you made recently?                                        ~ […]

Embrace Change!

The more we learn to trust our intuitive mind, the more it works for us. Sometimes we have to let go of things that we are very attached to because these attachments are holding us back, and our soul is trying to tell us it is time for a change. It is important to distinguish […]

Love Is a Verb, a Noun, and Makes the World Go ‘Round

Every loving deed, every aspiring thought and every unselfish action supports your evolution. Action to take: Work in the best interest of your soul.                                                       ~ Jane Elizabeth No matter how you define love–if you can truly define love–there are a few things for sure: Love is the most powerful of all of our emotions and […]