We are now ready to take the final two steps which are Release and Completion.

The Sixth Step, Release, gives you time to review your progress. You are preparing to fully release your memories, both positive and negative, as well as your dashed hopes, broken expectations and disappointments.

Action to take:

To help you release, write a letter to God releasing the year. Say a prayer releasing all persons, events and situations.

Step Seven — Completion

Now you are ready for the final step, Completion.

Go to a special place to meditate. Still your mind and visualize the seven steps. See yourself on each step and as you do, go through a release process in your mind. End by saying this powerful prayer, “I am grateful for all the lessons and growth that has come in 2009 and I am ready to embrace 2010 with joy in my heart.

It is time to celebrate the New Year. Congratulations, you have changed your consciousness and I know 2010 will bring new possibilities in your life.