Summer has arrived with a little sun, a little rain, and a few storms — just as the spiritual journey brings both blessings and challenges to help us grow. While Jane travels through the summer season, she continues to provide ongoing spiritual support here on the Center for Enlightenment website.  Here’s a quick summary of recent site additions:

Recent Videos — Learn about forgiving, releasing and letting go, handling life changes, mastering the mind, working through karma and moving into a fourth dimensional consciousness. What’s keeping you stuck right now? There’s a solution in our video library!

Recent Podcasts — Hear about why your desires are important, tapping into the flow of the universe, and using every day situations as opportunities to move your consciousness. These are downloadable talks given by Jane and they are all about working in your soul’s best interest. Get support for your soul!

Are you on Facebook or Twitter? We would love to connect with you! You can also get some free inspiration each week in your inbox from Jane —  just subscribe.

Remember that the Center for Enlightenment website is always available to you and updated weekly. Check back often for spiritual support that inspires, educates and uplifts you — and many blessings for a joyful, adventurous summer! With much love…

Jane Hart and Center For Enlightenment