Beloved Soul in Evolution,

This is the anniversary month for the Spiritual Power Tools book! I hope these videos are giving you a deeper look into this powerful little book!

In this week’s video, I am sharing the story about the first Spiritual Power Tool that was revealed to me on my journey years ago: the iceberg. I eventually understood that I was one-tenth conscious and nine-tenths subconscious, with the latter inaccessible to me.

As time went on, I would get pieces of understanding about this iceberg, the subconscious mind, and the veil that hides it. I began to be able to access information from my subconscious, which gave me insights into my past lives. I began to see other parts of myself I didn’t know existed! I understood that who I am today was created by desires from other incarnations.

As I understood my subconscious–as it became conscious for me–I became two-tenths conscious, then three-tenths, and so forth, until I was conscious of my full self. Then I was able to be more conscious than unconscious, and know myself in God.

All of this is true for you as well. You are one-tenth conscious and nine-tenths subconscious. You are created from desires, abilities, and influences from other lifetimes! There is a veil between your conscious and subconscious mind that hides that information until you are prepared to uncover and resolve it.

Watch this video and share with me your thoughts and revelations that come to you after you have watched it. This is important and necessary information for you on your journey to awakening to your whole Self in God.

And, my love and support is with you always!

All my love to you,

Jane Elizabeth