Beloved Soul in Evolution,

Even though our Spiritual Power Tools celebration month is over, I will continue going through this powerful little book at a deeper level than I have with you in the past.

In this week’s video, I continue discussing the differences between the third and fourth dimension. The most important thing to realize in this conversation is that moving from the third to the fourth dimension is a long and arduous process. You are moving from your human self into your fully spiritual self. That is as great a leap as your pet becoming a human! It’s a big jump, and you have to do the work, willingly and persistently, in order to become fully God Aware.

There are many skills you have to learn and practice, such as stilling your mind. This is a brand new skill for you, since there is no lifetime you have had in which you practiced that at the level you are prepared to do in this life. Sometimes it feels scary to learn new skills, to move into a higher understanding of Self. I am here to share with you that there is something more, and there is support for the work you do–but you have to do the work!

Enjoy this video that is designed to both inform and inspire you. If you have any questions, email me. I am here to support you!

With all my love,

Jane Elizabeth