Beloved Soul in Evolution,

Lent has begun, and if you have been with me for a while, you know that this is an important time of year to support changes and movement in your consciousness!

The forty days leading up to Easter is the time when Jesus left his students, went up into the mountains, and spent forty days in prayer and meditation. It was during this period that he moved into the fourth dimension of his consciousness, and raised his vibration to prepare himself for his mighty mission.

You, too, can prepare yourself during these next forty days. There is a vibration and energy here right now for you to go into that space on a daily basis. The same energy is here for you that was here for Jesus, and it is much stronger now than it was back then!

What will you do for forty days that will support your higher self?

Do something everyday that will support yourself spiritually. Maybe it is meditating an extra fifteen minutes everyday. Maybe it is spending more time journaling. Take time daily to consciously move into that space. At the end of the 40 days, you will experience yourself with a higher energy and greater understanding.

Let this week’s video support you as you make your Lenten commitment. Journal your responses to the questions below to help you go deeper in your understanding of this energy push leading up to Easter:

1. What extra support will you give yourself to support your soul involution during Lent?

2. What is your past experience of Lent? How do you see it differently today?

3. Have you ever felt you had a mission? What did that mission look like when you first became aware of it?

4. How do you see that mission now?

5. How did the information in this video support you this week?

You are being supported by the cosmic energy of the universe! You are never alone, even when you think you are.

With all my love,

Jane Elizabeth