Learning from the Tough Times

“Each year brings about some difficulties and disappointments. In order to flush out those old thoughts it is necessary to observe and journal these disappointments and learn what your Soul is trying to tell you. I learned the most about myself through my difficulties, and so will you.  Actions to take:
  • Observe
  • Journal
  • Release and clear the way for a whole new year filled with new possibilities.”
                                                                ~Jane Elizabeth

STEP 4: Difficulties and Disappointments

Working with Step 4 and confronting the disappointments and difficulties of this past year is usually the step I most want to skip over and not deal with. Yet the challenges we each may have gone through during the year–along with the emotions often accompanying them like grief, loss, anger, fear, sadness, failure–are also part of our spiritual journey. Facing and then releasing those experiences is exactly what Step 4 is asking us to do.

Over time in working through this process, I’ve learned something about moving through Step 4, Disappointments and Difficulties, which I was surprised to discover. Despite the scary sounding name, I found out that it’s actually a step of taking positive action. 

Step 4 is about working in the new “now” by truly giving yourself a chance to move forward unencumbered by past grief. And this is only possible by facing the tough times with an equal or greater amount of courage knowing that the Truth of you is not your hardships or any sense of lack or failure. The Truth of us is so much greater then that. 

Step 4 is an exercise in Soul power. 

Some helpful questions to journal through this part of the process include asking yourself:

  • What experiences brought the most disappointment this year and how would you have wanted things to happen differently?
  • What attitudes, beliefs, perceptions do you harbor as result of the difficulties and disappointments you experienced? 

Ask yourself these questions. Make a decision to take action, let go and take the opportunity you have now to move forward.  

With Love,

Aimee Bova

Certified Center for Enlightenment Teacher


Click here to watch featured video: Seven Steps for Releasing the Old Year and Freely Moving into the New Year ~ Week Four