Have you found a quiet place? By seeking spiritual nourishment daily, our degree of success rapidly improves with each attempt. Perseverance brings rich rewards.The action to take: Find a quiet place. Meditate daily.~ Jane Elizabeth
We are now fully into Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter morning. Whether or not you observe the traditional Lenten season, the Easter Energy is nevertheless here to support a major transition at this time of year.
To prepare ourselves for moving into greater Soul consciousness requires at the very least a time of daily meditation. It is during this time each day that we release our human ideas of life and relationships, and open ourselves to divine ideas for release, change and receptivity. By Easter morning, we will be able to feel the subtle yet powerful new awareness that we have grown into!
Meditate each day, imagining yourself on the top of a giant wave that is bringing you strongly and safely to the shore of your new consciousness!
With loving blessings,
Lynn Barrette,
Certified Center for Enlightenment Teacher