The Path to God Realization

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you doing on this incredible journey? This is a journey you have spent eons of time walking, becoming more conscious with each lifetime. In this week’s video, I describe this journey of soul evolution through a little allegory....

La meditación se alinea a Usted

La meditación es una técnica de la mente que produce la alineación correcta con su ser superior y se mueve a la conciencia Universal donde se imparte la verdadera sabiduría. English: Meditation Aligns You Meditation is a technique of the...

Spiritual Thermometer, Emotions, and Karma

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How did you do this past week monitoring yourself when you felt emotionally charged? Did you journal? Did you learn something new about yourself? In this week’s video, I am continuing this discussion on dissolving emotional pain. The...

El cambio es inevitable

Los cambios de la vida son inevitables. Tan provocativo como puede parecer, nos da oportunidades para el crecimiento espiritual. English: Change Is Inevitable Changes in life are inevitable. As challenging as it may seem, it gives us opportunities for spiritual...