June 15 Talk after Board Meeting

Hi Group! Jane Elizabeth’s message after the Board Meeting. No formal meditation tonight, but amazing, supportive energy in this talk! Please visit the original post to download.Click here to download June 15 Message

Tips on Being Your Observer Self

Being the Observer Self is one of the most powerful ways to change your patterns of thinking, thus changing your consciousness and the light that you are able to shine forth.   What does it mean to be the Observer Self? Sometimes it means watching your reactions...

Shine Your Healing Light!

You are a being of light. The strength of your light depends on the clarity of your consciousness, which comes through daily meditation, forgiveness, and giving up the ego. The light that you can shine nourishes those around you, like a cool breeze on a hot summer...

Mastering Emotions in the Moment

As we embrace a challenge that is before us, we must handle the emotions that arise with it. Emotions can push us off our center if we are not aware of them.  Spiritual mastery is learning to be conscious of the emotion rising up and to stay above its pull so...

“Tune in” with Meditation!

Everything in your life is designed to grow your soul–to teach you a new skill, uncover a hidden strength, or resolve an ancient resentment.  Embrace what is right before you, and listen within for direction as you move through it.  Action to take:...