Unravel the Mysteries of Your Mind

Journaling is an important tool to unravel the mysteries of your subconscious mind.It can get you to the root of a problem quicker than talking about it or trying to figure it out in your head.  It facilitates a flow of consciousness that opens up channels that...

Talk ~ January 12, 2011

Homework: Ponder on This, “Spiritual Evolution of Man” Paragraphs 5,6,7,8 — summarize each. You all did great and I look forward to receiving your homework by January 19th and do not forget the board meeting at 7pm. Love to all, Jane Please visit the...

Embrace Your Future Possibilities

Now that you have advanced into 2011, you are being prepared to fully embrace your future possibilities. Your consciousness is being upgraded, so to speak, to allow for the incoming higher vibrations.   Here are some ideas that will enable you to move through the...