By completing this process old emotional patterns have been released and this has created a reservoir for new energy to flow into your life. You will be presented with a vast array of options. Here are some changes you may experience: Relationships with spouse,...
Happy New Year!!! Please visit the original post to download.Click to download New Year Eve Talk
Please visit the original post to download.Click to download New Year’s Eve Talk
The time has come to take on our new consciousness for 2011. As we release the year 2010 and move into Our New Being in God, we will discover new talents and new abilities being unveiled in our consciousness. Action to take: Have a New Year filled with...
This is the time of the year to embrace the new vortex of energy and vibration that is coming in to support the evolution of your Soul. Action to take: It is of major importance that you plan a time to meditate, go into the Silence and be in the NOW moment.Featured...