Learning from the Tough Times

Each year brings about some difficulties and disappointments. In order to flush out those old thoughts it is necessary to observe and journal these disappointments and learn what  your Soul is trying to tell you.  I learned the most about myself through my...

Desire Your Oneness with God

God’s desire is to awaken us to our Oneness with Him. The only responsibility we have is to desire to be one with God.  That is the desire that starts the ball rolling.  This commitment by us goes right to the heart of God and it will be fulfilled....

Talk ~ December 01, 2010

Homework:Due Dec. 7:Ponder on This, Page 216 “Inner Training” (93) Summary of each of the 4 paragraphs. What stood out to you? Love to you all, Jane Please visit the original post to download.Download: Dec 01 Talk

Give Thanks for All Blessings

Thanksgiving is the time of the year to give thanks for all our blessings.  Celebrate the new energy and vibration coming into the planet at this time of the year. Have a joyous Thanksgiving day! Action to take: Make a list of all the things you are grateful for....