A Spiritual Adventure

Your spiritual work is an adventure in uncovering your True Self! In this meditation, go on a meditative experience with Jane and your soul! Click the player below to listen (autoplays streaming media), OR, you can download the session by clicking the download link...

Prepare for Easter

In this meditation, Jane helps prepare us for the new vibration that pours into the world each year at Easter. Click the player below to listen (autoplays streaming media), OR, you can download the session by clicking the download link and saving to your own computer....

Your Soul Is Saying “Time for Change!”

The more we learn to trust our intuitive mind, the more it works for us. Sometimes we have to let go of things that we are very attached to because these attachments are holding us back, and our soul is trying to tell us it is time for a change.It is important to...

Recognize the Vibration of Your Inner Guidance

Learning to listen to your divine guidance is very important for many reasons.  It is helping you develop your intuition and inner voice and learn to recognize its different vibrations. Your willingness is the only condition necessary. Release your investment in...

Practice Using Your Intuition

Intuition is an abstract experience.  It is not the mind, common sense, or value judgments.  By observing ourselves, we become aware of how our consciousness operates.  Through this process we learn the difference between the ego/mind and the higher...