Beloved Soul in Evolution, Changes arise every day to help make you stronger, moving you out of old patterns that have kept you stuck. You develop important spiritual skills that continue to support you on the awakening of your consciousness. Embrace the...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Sometimes on the spiritual path, you are asked to let go of something that might seem important to you, but is actually impeding your spiritual progress. By nature, the ego is attached to many third dimensional people, places, things,...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, You are always evolving and changing, with many opportunities for soul evolution every day. You speed up your soul’s evolution as you embrace those things and people you don’t like! You get to find out more about who you are, and...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you become aligned with your spiritual Self, your life changes! You let go of the ego desires that take your energy from your spiritual life. You find that you get to use all of your gifts for your spiritual alignment, a process worth its...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, To detach yourself from outer situations and drama, the ego must be displaced by your soul energy. This doesn’t mean that you are aloof from life! It means that your focus is on the bigger picture, supporting yourself and your family,...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Your spiritual journey requires you to be flexible and free to turn on a dime. To move from one karmic situation to the next, you can use the Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions to help you to make the switch more easily. As you move...
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