Ponder on This ~ “Disciples” (41), page 85 Assigned last week, due Monday, October 4, 2010 There are 16 discourses on this subject. Write your thoughts on each of these 16 discourses. Please visit the original post to download.Download Sept 29...
Please visit the original post to download.Download Sept 22 Meditation
Ponder on This ~ “Disciples” (41), page 85 Due Monday, October 4, 2010 There are 16 discourses on this subject. Write your thoughts on each of these 16 discourses. You have additional time to fulfill this assignment. Please visit the original post to...
Please visit the original post to download.Download: Sept 15 Meditation
This week’s homework: Ponder on This, page 82, “Acceptance of Disciples” (40) Due Wednesday, September 22 What do you think about this discourse? How does knowing this information help you on the journey to Discipleship? Please visit the original...
Please visit the original post to download.Download: Sept 8 Meditation
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