Learn about Yourself through Others

Every person you meet, every situation you find yourself in, is an opportunity to learn something about yourself.  Is a difficult person here to teach you patience?  Forgiveness? Love?  Are you in a challenging situation to strengthen a quality that you...

“Tune in” with Meditation!

Everything in your life is designed to grow your soul–to teach you a new skill, uncover a hidden strength, or resolve an ancient resentment.  Embrace what is right before you, and listen within for direction as you move through it.  Action to take:...

Intuition: The Next Phase of Soul Evolution

You have spent lifetimes developing your intellect. You have explored many amazing features of your mind and have learned numerous things about the world. Now you are ready to use your intelligence in a higher way.  The main functions of the intellectual mind are...

Shed the Ego and Align with Your Soul!

As we journey to consciously evolve our souls, there are times that we have to go against ourselves—to do things that we may not really want to do. This is how we learn to shed the ego and align with our souls. Action to take: Listen to your inner guidance and...

Tap into Your Intuition!

The main function of the intellectual mind is to reason things out and to analyze your thoughts, circumstances and surroundings. The purpose of the intuitive mind is to expand your consciousness beyond the scope of day–to-day life. 2011 is the time to...

Your Soul Is Saying “Time for Change!”

The more we learn to trust our intuitive mind, the more it works for us. Sometimes we have to let go of things that we are very attached to because these attachments are holding us back, and our soul is trying to tell us it is time for a change.It is important to...