Going Deeper: Releasing Hopes and Dreams

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How did your week go, releasing your Disappointments and Difficulties from 2015? You may find that you have other situations to add to that step as you continue this process. In this week’s video and journaling questions, you have the...

Going Deeper – Dealing with Change

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Changes arise every day to help make you stronger, moving you out of old patterns that have kept you stuck. You develop important spiritual skills that continue to support you on the awakening of your consciousness. Embrace the...

Going Deeper – Feel the Love!

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you move in your spiritual growth, you naturally experience more love for yourself, others, and the Universe. Love is a vibration that moves you forward. As you connect with your higher Self, you receive more of the love that you give....

Going Deeper – Mind Your Vibration!

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As a spiritual student on this journey, you are responsible for the energy that you are sending out to other people. You are a blessing to others when you bring light to others–you lift their vibration with yours. That is a major...

Going Deeper – Your Soul Wants to Evolve

Beloved Soul in Evolution, You are always evolving and changing, with many opportunities for soul evolution every day. You speed up your soul’s evolution as you embrace those things and people you don’t like! You get to find out more about who you are, and...

Going Deeper: You Are Unlimited as a Spiritual Being!‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you become aligned with your spiritual Self, your life changes! You let go of the ego desires that take your energy from your spiritual life. You find that you get to use all of your gifts for your spiritual alignment, a process worth its...