Surrender to Your Higher Expression

“How do we make the right choice when confronted with a decision? There is a lot of fear about making the right decisions. Our mind has a tendency to waiver between ‘should I’ or ‘shouldn’t I.’ Action to take: A good measuring stick is to ask yourself, ‘Is it good for all concerned?’ Meditate for […]

There Is a Power within You, Greater than Your Personality Self!

As you move through your day, remember that there is a Power greater than yourself working through you, helping lift you above the negativity that arises in your consciousness. That greater part of you sees beyond the third dimensional situation to the perfect solution. Trust that you are guided to the right action, even if […]

“Tune in” with Meditation!

Everything in your life is designed to grow your soul–to teach you a new skill, uncover a hidden strength, or resolve an ancient resentment.  Embrace what is right before you, and listen within for direction as you move through it.  Action to take: Meditation supports your being “tuned in” and connects you with your intuition. […]

Listen to Inner Guidance with Assurance

Listen to your inner voice.  Begin by being still.  You need to still your mind–to let all your thoughts, but a desire to listen, pass through your mind unresisted.  Let go of all your ideas about what you need.  Create a clear slate in your mind so that you can hear.  It is helpful to […]