Going Deeper: Your Evolutionary Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, The evolutionary journey requires you to observe yourself, and understand old patterns and release them, peeling away the layers of your subconscious. The whole process of evolution is about finding out who you really are, which means first removing the veils of misconception. This is your responsibility, to do this consciously, […]

Going Deeper in 2016 – Be in Integrity with Your Spiritual Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, On this spiritual journey, it is important to always keep yourself on track with what you need to be doing to support your forward movement. When you learn one concept, you have to master it before you will receive a new step to work on. Then you recommit yourself to the […]

Going Deeper: More Support on Becoming the Active Observer of Your Emotions‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, In this week’s video and journaling questions, I want to share with you more about the importance of the Observer Self in dissolving emotional patterns and making important changes in your soul’s expression. The Observer Self is a piece of equipment that belongs to you and watches over you. It helps […]

Observe Yourself and Embrace Your Changes

Beloved Soul in Evolution, In the past few weeks, you have looked more deeply at your spiritual desire and commitment. This week’s video and journaling questions supports you in reinforcing your Observer Self. Being the Observer Self is one of the most powerful ways to change your patterns of thinking, thus changing your consciousness and […]

The “Aftermath” of Easter — What Will You Do with that Energy?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Welcome to the aftermath of Easter! The energy blast came in–what are you going to do with that energy? In this week’s video, I am sharing with you information about energy and how it comes in to support your soul’s evolution. Energy is a spiritual commodity that you can use for […]