Beloved Soul in Evolution,

How are you doing on this spiritual journey? Moving out of humanhood and into Infinite Consciousness takes time, persistence, and encouragement. Your intuition will support you all along the way.

When you access your intuition, you are piercing the Abstract Mind of your Higher Self. Meditation helps you do this, as well as being your Observer Self–staying above your human thoughts and reactions. The only way to access the information on the higher planes–the Abstract Mind–is through your intuition.

You are in the human dimension of your evolution, and have brought with you many lifetimes’ worth of your inner sense from the perspective of the limited self. Now you are moving into the next dimension of yourself, becoming more of your Higher Self than your human self.

The real Truth of you comes in through your intuition, and you can always take your intuition to deeper levels of understanding and ability than where it is right now. Use it as often as you can. Ask every day for divine guidance, in every situation. Practice!

Without intuition, you cannot move in consciousness.

Your intuition is the only equipment that can access your next step in consciousness. The intuitive part of you has to be honed. Without it, you cannot master your human self and move into higher dimensions to master those as well. There are many, many “upgrades” of intuition, so keep on pushing your intuition beyond where it is right now.

Watch this week’s video, then journal your responses to the questions below. Let your intuition flow as you write.

1. Why can we only access the Infinite through the intuition?

2. Why do we have so many “limited i’s” on this journey?

3. What has helped to prepare you for leaving your humanhood to move into your Infinite Self? What desires have you had to relinquish?

4. In what ways do you use your intuition on a regular basis?

5. How can your intuition help you move out of a limited state of being?

6. What can you be doing to strengthen your intuitive connection?

Practice with your intuition this week and let it work through you. You are never alone in this journey, and you have my support always.

With all my love,

Jane Elizabeth