Beloved Soul in Evolution,

Now that you have spent a few weeks experiencing meditation with me and other Soul Evolutionists, how do you see your meditation time differently? Has it inspired you to go deeper, knowing that there are others who want to explore their inner Self like you do?

I am sharing this week’s video as a reminder of how I began seeing my life differently as I connected to my Higher Self, slowly but surely. I began to develop my observer self who could see ‘Jane’ as a participant in the various scenes of a play that was my life at that time.

You might be noticing these subtle changes as well. Your developing, expanding consciousness will show you your world in a new way. Maybe you will need to let go of some of your old ideas and ways of doing things. It might turn your world upside down for a time, only to rebuild you with greater strength and understanding. This is a necessary part of the journey!

Continue your meditation time. The last few weeks of meditation videos are there for you to tap into anytime. Your commitment to meditation will guide you through any change that is coming to your life. Embrace those changes! As you observe yourself through them, you will be supported in releasing old patterns, and open yourself to fresh, new, more cooperative ways of living your life.

Take time to watch this week’s video a few times, and notice how your observer self is developing in you. Share your thoughts with me anytime. I always appreciate hearing how you are growing, and how what you are learning and experiencing is touching you at depth.

With all my love,

Jane Elizabeth