Time to Release the Year! Step One: Gratitude

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with love. We are now moving through the end of 2014, and ready to clear the way for the new year, 2015! If you have been with me for a while, then you know every year I walk you through the Seven Steps...

¡Somos la luz del mundo!

Somos la luz del mundo. ¿Cómo es posible? En cada átomo de nuestro cuerpo, hay un punto de luz. Tenemos la luz que brilla dentro de nosotros, esperando a ser descubierta. Una vez conectado, este embalse de energía se hace magnetizada y trae...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is the time of year to be grateful for all of our blessings! It is also time to celebrate the new energy that is coming in to support our end-of-the year soul movement! I share this week’s very short...

Release Your Human Attachments

Beloved Soul in Evolution, At some point on this spiritual journey, you become tired of the goings-on of the third dimensional, human existence. There is more to the living, loving energy of Divine Intelligence than every day, ho-hum life. In this week’s video,...

Tres cualidades de la intuición

La intuición apoya nuestra conciencia superior. Vale la pena mucho para dar nuestro tiempo y esfuerzo para desarrollar nuestra intuición porque es la puerta de acceso a la verdad de nuestro ser. Las tres cualidades de la intuición son:...