Beloved Soul in Evolution, Last week we revisited the Spiritual Thermometer and how it can help you observe your thinking. I hope you had a deeper experience of yourself this week as you focused on this Spiritual Power Tools. This week, I am re-sharing with you Part 2...
Es importante distinguir entre los antojos falsos o adicciones y nuestros verdaderos impulsos intuitivos. Los antojos son cosas que creemos que queremos y cuando los conseguimos, en realidad, no satisfacen o mejorar nuestras vidas. Un signo seguro de que usted sigue...
Ser capaz de confiar en nuestra intuición es muy importante. La intuición siempre está tratando de lograr las metas que deseamos alcanzar. La intuición tiene un energía o sentimiento única. La meditación nos...
How are you doing stilling your mind? Since we have been revisiting this topic, I am sharing this week’s video about the Spiritual Thermometer. As you observe your thinking, you can see that your thoughts are happy one minute, unhappy the next, neutral the next,...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you are enjoying revisiting my videos this summer. While I am working on a new project that will support you, this is a good time to refresh and practice tools for the journey. In this week’s video, I continue the focus on...