What Is Your Soul Trying to Teach You Today?

What is your soul trying to teach you today?Every day holds opportunities to learn about yourself and uncover new, spiritual understanding. Watch for those magnified instances in thought or situations that seem to stay on your mind–they are trying to show you...

Meditation: More than Relaxation!

On the spiritual journey, meditation does more for us than relaxing and renewing our bodies and minds.  Meditation teaches us how to get out of our old ways of thinking and behaving. By practicing watching our thoughts as we try to get still, we learn that we are...

Commitment to Change Helps Clear Your Mental Body

Whenever we make a commitment to change, our old habits surface in our awareness in order that they may be overcome.  This activity is the Higher Self of us, shaking out the unusable thoughts and patterns that got us where we are in the first place.  Embrace...

June 22 Talks

Hi Group! Long talks tonight, so it is in two sections. Here is Part 1: Please visit the original post to download. Right click here, then click “Save File As” to download Part 1.” Here is part two: Please visit the original post to download.Click...

Learn about Yourself through Others

Every person you meet, every situation you find yourself in, is an opportunity to learn something about yourself.  Is a difficult person here to teach you patience?  Forgiveness? Love?  Are you in a challenging situation to strengthen a quality that you...