Going Deeper – Universal Energy Supports Change

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Energy from the universe supports you in taking responsibility for your spiritual growth and making changes that support your soul’s awakening. The change in the third dimension is in the opposites, just as any other action and...

Dominar las emociones en el momento

Como abrazamos un desafío que está adelante de nosotros, debemos manejar las emociones que surgen con él. Las emociones nos pueden empeñarnos fuera de nuestro centro si no somos conscientes de ellos. El dominar espiritual es aprender a ser consiente de alguna emoción...

Going Deeper – Dealing with Change

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Changes arise every day to help make you stronger, moving you out of old patterns that have kept you stuck. You develop important spiritual skills that continue to support you on the awakening of your consciousness. Embrace the...

Going Deeper – Feel the Love!

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As you move in your spiritual growth, you naturally experience more love for yourself, others, and the Universe. Love is a vibration that moves you forward. As you connect with your higher Self, you receive more of the love that you give....

Going Deeper: Honor Yourself

Beloved Soul in Evolution, You have created the life plan that you are living now out of desires and passions that you have had over many lifetimes. This life is a culmination and manifestation of those passions and desires. Loving yourself is important as you do the...