We Are Connected to Healing Energy

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Thank you for joining me for these weekly meditations. As we meditate together, we are connected in this healing energy. It is a powerful energy that will change your life at depth. It will help you see yourself and your life in a whole new...

Usando un diario para autodescubrimiento

La Herramienta que presenté en el post anterior fue El Termómetro Espiritual.  El Termómetro Espiritual nos permite tomar responsabilidad por nuestros pensamientos, acciones y comportamientos y nos permite observar las sensaciones que nos hacen a la cinco o más bajo....

Connect with Your Intuition, a Meditation

Beloved Soul in Evolution, This week I bring you another opportunity to center yourself, to connect with all the love you need. As you meditate each day, your ability to connect to your higher Self strengthens and allows you more access to your intuition. You align...