What are you thankful for regarding 2008, and how did this year bring new and joyful experiences into your life? By letting go of the past, we make room for a vibrant new year.
Thanksgiving is an attitude of Thankfulness. Being grateful has a vibration and energy all of its own. As we celebrate this special day with gratitude for our many blessings, we send forth a vibration that goes forward and blesses the world.
By observing our emotions we are able to learn about ourselves. So, let’s embrace our emotions without indulging in them. Learning to be the observer helps us make better choices.
There is a great law which can be embodied in the words, “to those who give all, all is given.” In what area of your life can you give more?
Each soul must ascertain the truth of his being by becoming consciously aware that God resides within him. This can be done through prayer and meditation practices.
Every day is a new day. Let us embrace our day with joy and excitement. As we let go of our old thought patterns and move into each day expecting a new possibility and listen to our inner guidance, we open the door of our consciousness and new ideas will flow...