In order to expand our consciousness, there must be an intensification of our inner desire to move forward. It is our intensity of purpose which will change us from the plodding, fairly satisfactory spiritual student into the soul whose heart and mind are aflame. At...
To those who give all, all is given. Thank you for giving freely and fully to Lift Detroit in Prayer during the public event September 14th. Your loving contributions of prayers and support have made a HUGE impact on Detroit and all humanity. We move forward with new...
There is power in unity. What might seem impossible for one of us to accomplish alone can be accomplished with amazing results when we gather together in prayer with an open mind and open heart.
One of the rewards of meditation for us is to become conscious of our soul rather than the ego personality. As we learn to function as a soul, we can consciously understand all aspects of our being. The gateway to the soul is through daily meditation.
Meditation is a technique of the mind which eventually produces perfect alignment between the conscious and subconscious mind. When aligned, the personality becomes less important and the Soul is liberated to take charge. We then become conscious of all aspects of our...
The goal for all of us is to not limit our consciousness but to expand our understanding of what lies beyond our limited self and seek a more elevated state of awareness which will advance our soul.