Shed the Ego and Align with Your Soul!

As we journey to consciously evolve our souls, there are times that we have to go against ourselves—to do things that we may not really want to do. This is how we learn to shed the ego and align with our souls. Action to take: Listen to your inner guidance and...

Tap into Your Intuition!

The main function of the intellectual mind is to reason things out and to analyze your thoughts, circumstances and surroundings. The purpose of the intuitive mind is to expand your consciousness beyond the scope of day–to-day life. 2011 is the time to...

Unravel the Mysteries of Your Mind

Journaling is an important tool to unravel the mysteries of your subconscious mind.It can get you to the root of a problem quicker than talking about it or trying to figure it out in your head.  It facilitates a flow of consciousness that opens up channels that...

Listen to Inner Guidance with Assurance

Listen to your inner voice.  Begin by being still.  You need to still your mind–to let all your thoughts, but a desire to listen, pass through your mind unresisted.  Let go of all your ideas about what you need.  Create a clear slate in your...