Beloved Soul in Evolution, Involution is the process of going within after many lifetimes of evolving your soul, and unwinding the karma of lifetimes while also learning about who you are as an Infinite Being. That inward journey has many steps to it, and it takes...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As each life has passed, you have made choices as to what skills and talents you wanted to develop. You went into each life working on those abilities, and working on karmic relationships as well. At the end of each life, you evaluated your...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are continuing to uncover the “mystery” of karma–which is really not a mystery, but a logical and fair movement of energy, intricately designed for your soul’s evolution, and involution. Every person has their own...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, It is important to understand the karmic process as part of your evolutionary process. You are on a karmic wheel that moves you through lifetime after lifetime, providing opportunities to fulfill desires and neutralize karmic debt. In other...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, What is your soul made of? How does it evolve? In this week’s video lesson, I give you an analogy of baking a birthday cake, demonstrating the many aspects of your soul’s evolution, gathering what you need for your eventual...
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Desire is the biggest drive for God Consciousness because it compels you to know more about your finite self, and all the way to awakening as Infinite Intelligence. You are finite in the midst of the Infinite. Your journey through the third...
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