Your spiritual goal is to establish and recognize that the God within is the most important work you can do to benefit your soul’s evolution this lifetime.
It takes courage to make spiritual decisions and to abide by them. We are courageous Souls and we are up for the changes coming in 2009! Ponder on this!
As we prepare for Christmas Day, and the rebirth of our Christ Consciousness, let us rejoice and embrace our Christed Being. MANY blessings of love to you!
Ponder on this: What were your hopes and dreams for this year? How did you hope the year would end? What remains unfulfilled? Join me in this powerful exercise of releasing and moving forward.
What are you thankful for regarding 2008, and how did this year bring new and joyful experiences into your life? By letting go of the past, we make room for a vibrant new year.
Thanksgiving is an attitude of Thankfulness. Being grateful has a vibration and energy all of its own. As we celebrate this special day with gratitude for our many blessings, we send forth a vibration that goes forward and blesses the world.
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