Exploring the Self Study Lessons
Detaching from the Third Dimension
Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support
For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey this Week:
- What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday’s course?
- How are you applying those new insights to your daily life experiences this week?
Key Points from Sunday’s Course:
- To detach yourself from outer situations and drama, the ego must be displaced by your soul energy. This doesn’t mean that you are aloof from life! It means that your focus is on the bigger picture, supporting yourself and your family, friends and coworkers.
- When you detach, you enjoy the moment that you are in, but you’re not attached to the outcome of that moment. You are in that moment.
Actions to Take to Go Deeper: Journal your thoughts on these questions this week:
- Observe your attachments this week, and describe three or four that especially stand out to you.
- What attachments to outcomes do you notice?
- What disappointments around outcomes do you notice?
- How does your understanding of your attachments help you better understand your daily situations?
Bring your thoughts, experiences, and questions to the weekly Thursday Q&A Support Group this week.
Further Resources on this week’s topic:
Join Certified Center for Enlightenment Teachers for the weekly Q&A Support Group. Bring your questions and curiosity as you explore and apply these powerful teachings to your own life. Click here for Course Announcements, including links to the weekly course and spiritual support groups.
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