Exploration of the Spiritual Teachings: Jewels from Jane Elizabeth

Self Study Lesson on Reincarnation

Reincarnation and Soul Evolution
Course Recording, Reflections, and Further Support

For You to Ponder on Your Spiritual Journey This Week:

  1. What three ideas stood out to you from Sunday’s course?
  2. How are you applying those new insights to your daily life experiences this week?

Key Points from Sunday’s Jewel:

  1. Your journey of reincarnation is leading to your soul awakening in its Infinite Self.
  2. Every significant person or situation in your life originated in your past life experiences.
  3. By recognizing your intense emotional reactions rooted in the past, you begin the process of healing.

Actions to Take to Go Deeper: After watching this week’s Course, journal your thoughts on the following questions:

  1. Who in your life can you identify as a past life relationship?
  2. How has your understanding of past life experiences helped you?
  3. What patterns do you see from your past life identities?
  4. How can forgiving past life relationships help you right now?

Further Resources on this week’s topic:

Join Certified Center for Enlightenment Teachers for the weekly Q&A Support Group. Bring your questions and curiosity as you explore and apply these powerful teachings to your own life.

Click here for Course Announcements, including links to the weekly course and spiritual support groups.

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