Beloved Soul in Evolution, Never give up on yourself! Your Soul is always working to move you into a greater expression of your essence. You have within you everything it takes to move into a greater awareness, a greater evolution of your consciousness. As you release old, worn out desires, your soul reveals to you, […]
Going Deeper – You Make the Dream Happen
Going Deeper – Desire to Grow
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Your desires are the most important thing that you own. For many lifetimes, you have been desiring things and getting some of them fulfilled, some of them not. But you can continue to harness that power of desire to fuel your spiritual understandings and movement! As you open to new understandings […]
Going Deeper – Your Desires and Infinite Intelligence
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Desire is the biggest drive for God Consciousness because it compels you to know more about your finite self, and all the way to awakening as Infinite Intelligence. You are finite in the midst of the Infinite. Your journey through the third dimension has grown you into a mature human being, […]
Going Deeper in 2016: How Desires Create Your Lifetimes
Beloved Soul in Evolution, As we approach Easter week, and you check in with your Lent commitment, remember that your desire for your spiritual growth is what fuels your movement. Your experiences in each lifetime fulfill and create desires that then carry over into the next lifetime. The purpose of this desire-driven process is many-fold: […]