Jesus’ Evolution into Christ Consciousness

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How are you doing with your spiritual work? By now you are experiencing the benefits of the effort you make. Every moment you spend learning about yourself opens you to learning about your God Self. Many people have asked me who I am, and what I want from this life. In […]

Jesus’ Evolution into Christ Consciousness

Beloved Soul in Evolution, On this Palm Sunday, I felt it was important to address Jesus’ evolution into Christ consciousness. You see, Jesus had an evolution just as you and I have an evolution. For Jesus to evolve, he needed the desire to walk into the light. Do you have the desire to walk into […]

Lent and the Soul Evolutionist

Beloved Soul in Evolution, These next forty days are a very important forty days, from now until Easter. This is the time Jesus left his group and went up into the mountains. He spent these forty days in prayer and meditation to prepare himself for his mission. It was during this period he moved into […]

Join Me as the Easter Energy Moves Humanity to a New Vibration

Jesus began His great spiritual ministry at the end of His 40 days in meditation and silence. This is our time, as spiritually evolved “Souls” to  begin our transformation into our higher consciousness.  I invite you to join me the next 40 days in preparation for the Easter energy that is coming in to move […]