Beloved Soul in Evolution, Wow! I have been on a wild ride lately, continuing my work on a major project that has found me looking through my class materials, personal writings, and videos from the last several decades! I am preparing something very special to offer you in 2015, and I am working every day […]
Detaching from Emotional Reactions
Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your Observer Self supporting you? Are you remembering to be the Observer of your actions, the Observer of your thoughts? This is an important tool that belongs to you and helps you master the emotions that will come up on this journey. The more you use it, the stronger […]
Spiritual Effort Helps You Take Important Spiritual Steps
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Summer is here, and I am going to be taking a break for a couple months so that I can work on new material that will support your movement when I return in the fall. I will continue to send you videos from this year that will back up your spiritual […]
Observe Your Emotional Patterns
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Here we go, continuing our deeper look into Spiritual Power Tools! I hope you are using the tools in the last video, “Staying on the Transformation Track.” It’s a good one to reference when you need encouraging reminders when the going gets tough. In this week’s video, I am addressing emotional […]
Understanding the Ingredients of Your Soul
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Thank you for being a part of my life! You are a soul evolving! What is your soul made of? How does it evolve? In this week’s video, I describe your soul using my favorite analogy of a birthday cake! It demonstrates the many aspects of our soul’s evolution, gathering what […]