Beloved Soul in Evolution, As the seasons change around me, I am reminded of the Universal Plan for all souls moving forward in their evolutionary process. In the video I chose for this week, I discuss the evolutionary process and how you fit into it. I remember when I first discovered that not only was […]
Walking the Karmic Tightrope
Walking the Karmic Tightrope
Beloved Soul in Evolution, We are continuing to uncover the “mystery” of karma-which is really not a mystery, but a logical and fair movement of energy, intricately designed for your soul’s evolution, and involution. As you learn to unravel your karma, you become more aware of asking the right questions: “Why is this person in […]
Move from Intellect to Intuition
Units of Energy
Beloved Soul in Evolution, Welcome to the aftermath of Easter! The energy blast came in—What are you going to do with that energy? This week, I am sharing with you information about energy and how it comes in to support your soul’s evolution. Energy is a spiritual commodity that we can use for revelations that […]