The Importance of Uncovering Your Subconscious Mind

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How have you supported your spiritual self this summer? The information I share is wholly designed to support your awakening. How have you been using your Spiritual Power Tools? As children go back to school, it is a good time to reflect...

Strength for the Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution, I hope you enjoyed last week’s video–it has such valuable pieces of wisdom and support! I heard from some of you that when you watched it again, you felt like it was the first time, picking up information that you missed the...

En medio de Dios

  Cómo desarrollamos las calidades espirituales latentes que están dentro de nosotros, descubrimos a nuestro Ser Divino en medio de Dios. English: In the Midst of God As we develop the spiritual qualities latent within us, we discover our divine...

El mayor deseo

Ya que Dios realiza todos los deseos, el deseo más grande que podemos hacer es conocer a Diós. Entonces, podemos estar seguros que nuestros deseo se realizará.  English: The Greatest Desire Since God fulfills all desires, then the greatest...