Elimina todos otros deseos–con excepción de uno

Por abrir nuestros corazones y eliminando todos los deseos con excepción del único verdadero deseo–lo cual es el deseo para reunirse con la realidad última, Dios–nos convertimos en uno con nuestra Inteligencia Infinita. Reflexione...

Uncover Universal Knowledge

Beloved Soul in Evolution, As the seasons change around me, I am reminded of the Universal Plan for all souls moving forward in their evolutionary process. In the video I chose for this week, I discuss the evolutionary process and how you fit into it. I remember when...

Evolution of the Soul

Beloved Soul in Evolution, How is your daily spiritual practice going? Are you remembering to use your Observer Self throughout the day? Are you committing to your daily meditation practice, even if it feels like nothing is happening? Know that your efforts are always...

Meditar para descubrir su ser verdadero.

Más meditamos y entrar en el centro de nuestro esencia, nos conectamos con la luz y la energía de nuestra alma, y con el proceso de descubrir nuestro ser verdadero en Dios.  English: Meditate to Discover Your Real Self The more we meditate and move...

How Does Meditation Benefit You?

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Wow! I have been on a wild ride lately, continuing my work on a major project that has found me looking through my class materials, personal writings, and videos from the last several decades! I am preparing something very special to offer...