Going Deeper – Desire to Grow

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Your desires are the most important thing that you own. For many lifetimes, you have been desiring things and getting some of them fulfilled, some of them not. But you can continue to harness that power of desire to fuel your spiritual...

Going Deeper – Let God Dream in You‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Your spiritual journey requires you to be flexible and free to turn on a dime. To move from one karmic situation to the next, you can use the Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions to help you to make the switch more easily. As you move...

Going Deeper – Reincarnation and Forgiveness‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Continuing with forgiveness, souls you are close to in this lifetime have been with you before, like them or not. They are there for a purpose, and you can uncover and understand your responsibility to that soul. That is how we work with our...

Going Deeper – The Value of Forgiveness‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Forgiveness, as you know, is very important on this journey. Forgiveness helps you let go of yourself, your self-doubt, false beliefs about yourself. Thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs from your experiences get “stuffed” into...

Going Deeper – Working with Your Life Plan‏

Beloved Soul in Evolution, Awakening to Infinite Consciousness is like having a veil lifted. Your desire for your spiritual growth is a message that you are sending to the Universe that you want to change and grow. That energy and vibration goes out and touches...